Are you fully aware…

Just a small office…
July 27, 2021
A hot and crazy summer……
August 9, 2021

Many companies have established a secure process for the handling and destruction of their confidential documents, but that’s not the complete protection. Every organization has drawers full of old media material, closets with old hard drives in their towers, obsolete training materials, not to mention ongoing use of some of these materials that need to be destroyed.

You would be amazed by how many organizations are not on top of this. A lot of this contains not just client information, but personnel info, and often – information/strategies/processes perfected over time that lead to their success. You need to address this issue, or have us come in and help you.

At Brooklyn Queens Shredding we are on top of this for you. You should be on the phone with us today. We will send our staff to you and do all the work for you. All you have to do is just point out where all your “stuff” is. We will quickly and securely destroy everything right on-site for you.