Are you fully aware, do you know?…

Take something off your plate and be more productive?
June 15, 2021
In this day and age can we be too careful?
June 29, 2021

Most companies have established a secure process for the handling and destruction of their confidential documents, but that’s not the complete protection. Every organization has drawers full of old media material, closets with old hard drives in their towers, obsolete training materials, not to mention ongoing use of some of these materials that need to be destroyed.

You would be amazed by how many organizations are not on top of this!

At Brooklyn Queens Shredding last month, we had a surprising example of this come up with a client in Brooklyn. They had set an appointment with us to do on-site paper shredding and then placed a last minute phone call before we arrived ” I think we have a few hard drives and CD’s to get rid of, can you accommodate”? Ultimately, after we helped with an internal audit of materials, a few turned into many boxes of this and boxes of that. They had no idea of how much exposure they had until they took a closer look. Let us help, call us today.